Monday 2 December 2019

Maths, Science, Writing : Making orange juice and banana smoothies!

A fun day at School as we learnt about making halves, changing solids to a liquid by squeezing oranges and also changing a solid to a liquid by mixing milk and bananas together.
Sorry, not a lot of photos because Mrs Amputch was helping, but hopefully the children talked about what they did at School today.....

And, we will share photos of the ice blocks we made with the orange juice!

We wrote about our experiences. 

Making Pikelets!

We had so much fun making pikelets. They tasted delicious!!

We had to mix eggs, flour, baking powder, milk and sugar to make a smooth batter. Then Mrs Amputch and Caleb's Mum helped to make the pikelets. Vicky helped to butter the pikelets. We want to make more!