Sunday, 28 August 2016

The Book Parade - our pictures

I was Leonardo at the show.  It was fantastic.
I liked it. Everyone was dressed up. (Bentley)

I liked the book parade. (William).

I liked the parade. I was Optimus Prime. (Levi P)

I was Mrs Wishy Washy's chicken. (Elvin)

I was a frog at the book parade. It was good and
fantastic. At the book parade I saw a person wearing
nothing and I saw a person wearing a dinosaur 
onesie. (Hasan)

I liked the parade. I was Batman. (Salahadeen)

I liked the parade. I was Ninja Turtle. (Justin)

I was a fairy. I loved the parade. (Anna)

I was Elsa from Frozen. I was the Queen and
Zakir was the King. (Aliya)

I was dressed up. I was a princess. I loved the 
parade. Zakir was a king. (Simra)

I was a hulk in the parade. I liked the 
parade. (Liam)

I was a king and I had a crown. The crown was
white or silver that was like white. And we did it
at Assembly. I loved the book parade.
The School went around the cones. (Zakir)

I liked the parade. I was Pippy Long Stockings. 

I was Little Red Riding Hood. I loved the
parade. (Kalana)
I was a princess. I loved the parade because
it was fun. (Maha)

I was a minion. I loved the parade.
(Levi M)

Congratulations Salahadeen!

You have been working hard to hear and say the sounds that letters make. Well done!

Book Parade

Wow! A great event at New Windsor. We love reading books in Room 1. We are so good at reading! 
I enjoyed dressing up as a character!

Congratulations to Anna for winning the best costume.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

We love to read! Listen to us....

One of the big books we have read in class is the "Farm Concert". We read with expression. We have to change our voice from loud to soft.  Have a listen!

Congratulations Anna!

Anna you received the Principal's Award for always being respectful and responsible. You are a super, hardworking student! 

Tuesday, 16 August 2016


The Olympics Parade

We had a fantastic day last Friday being part of the New Windsor Olympics Parade. We represented Tonga!

Strike Percussion

We had an awesome time listening to the sound of the drums.  It was so loud! 

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Congratulations Ronaq!

Well done - you always try your best. A great role model.